Tricks for Small Gardens

Urban gardens are usually small gardens. This little album of tricks contains ideas that help urban gardeners overcome some of our spatial limitations. The picture above has three to begin with: • Use the upward dimension. Be sure your small garden makes use of the infinite vertical plane with elements like arbours, trellises and wall […]

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Small tools for small gardens

Small gardens like mine offer scant room for tool storage. That’s why constantly look for tools that are compact, easy to store and hard-working in the garden. Here are two I’ve had good results with – both time-tested as well as bankrolled by yours truly. The first – and the rust says it’s been around […]

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The mystery of the unfallen leaves

All the trees on the street are usually bare before my next door Norway mapl buy topamax online no prescription pharmacy e (Acer platanoides) drops its leaves. Look here; it’s still green, in this picture taken yesterday. It doesn’t matter if I rake. The day before the first big snow, this guy typically buy […]

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Tarry black spot on maples

Black tar online pharmacy buy zithromax with best prices today in the USA spot of maples (Rhytisma acerinum) is one of the few excuses I can accept for sending your leaves off in the yard waste truck. Toronto garde buy topamax online no prescription pharmacy ners h online pharmacy buy desyrel with best prices […]

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Orange you glad I didn’t say Pumpkin?

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Golden fall foliage: Katsura tree

The fall foliage I uploaded online pharmacy buy prelone with best prices today in the USA yester online pharmacy buy wegovy with best prices today in the USA day leaned strongly towards reds. Yet, sometimes yellow can make an equal statement. Especially a yellow intense enough to literally drag me down the street to investigate. […]

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Wordless Almost-Over Wednesday: A leafy one

Purple barberry (Berberis) showing its little red pal how to really do red in fall. In full sun, berberis gets that glowing embers effect; purple, red, orange yellow. Amur maple (Acer tartaricum var. ginnala, formerly Acer ginnala), striking in red. Yes, must get myself one. Too bad the columnar form is harder to find. The […]

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Frost? Time to rescue annuals & houseplants

Sarah’s plants Go To (Winter) Plant Jail, without passing Go and unfortunately without collecting $200 Is there frost in the forecast? Yep! That means the onset of the Annual Frenzied Midnight Annual/Houseplant Rescue. As per usual, I was out in the dark last night about midnight digging in near freezing soil with my bare hands. […]

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Goodness me, it’s Blooms Day, October ’09 in T.O.

The about-to-be-felled-by-frost ‘Paintbox’ nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus), still oh-so-orange and still going strong. Almost missed it with all the fuss and bother lately ’round these hyar parts. And it’s a suddenly wintery October 15, 2009. Tomorrow might be a whole n’other post-brrrrrrrr story. So here’s what has been dodging frosty bullets chez nous mid-month. Corydalis lutea […]

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