British writers Mark Diacono and Lia Leendertz When you have less, you want more. Especially when you have less time or, in my case, less space and sun in which to grow vegetables at home. So I was excited to receive The Speedy Vegetable Garden, a new Timber Press book about veggies for the impatient […]
Anything worth doing is worth doing badly
Broken rose arbor: Before Our rose arbor suffer online pharmacy buy cytotec with best prices today in the USA ed a collapse this su online pharmacy buy amoxil with best prices today in the USA mmer due to old age and some of 2012’s big winds. (It’s one of the memories emerging as I sort […]
Our front yard make-over: Fall Wrap-Up
A combination of luck and planning produced a pleasing fall display in 2012 A dry shade garden can be a happy place in a rainy year, especially when the soil has been fed properly. This spring, it enjoyed a healthy top-up of duck compost, as well as all the shredded leaves it could eat, the […]
An architect’s handmade garden
The front door to Post Architects on Victoria Park Avenue Behind a street-facing business office, a young family – he’s an architect, she’s an artist, they have tots – have created a garden that grown-ups and kids can enjoy. They welcomed visitors into their space this June on the Gardens of the Beach 2012 garden […]
Quick garden fix: Rearrange the furniture
Between the busy-ness of summer holidays and back to school, September’s garden can be messy. That’s so in my back garden, where morning glories typically take over by September. This year, they are true to type. Because our front yard Grand Simplification project consumed us this summer, the Microgarden in the back is now channelling Aretha Franklin: N.E.G.L.E.C.T., just a […]
Faves: Helenium autumnale
Helenium autumnale – that’s Helen’s flower, to you. Not sneezeweed. Geez. Enough about me. Let’s talk about Helenium. I don’t know what variety this is (perhaps its short stature points to ‘Ruby Dwarf’ aka ‘Rubinzwerg’), but I wish it were growing in my garden. Despite what they say about the need f online pharmacy buy lasix with […]
Our front yard makeover: Post mortem
Now that the hardscape portion of our Grand Simplification is complete, let’s step back and evaluate. And, to celebrate the first day of school, I’ve even given grades, using my very arbitrary rubric which is no rubric at all. You judge whether we’re being too easy – or too hard – on ourselves. Circulation: B+ […]
Our front yard makeover, Part 4
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Our front yard makeover, Part 3
This is where I talk about concrete. We were utter novices when we launched into building our set of 7-foot-wide c online pharmacy buy retin a with best prices today in the USA oncrete steps. And when I say “we” here, know that it was the unstoppable Mr. TG doing all the literal and figurative heavy […]
Our front yard makeover, Part 2
Creating a site plan is one of the fi buy flomax online no prescription pharmacy rst steps in the process The first stage in planning o buy celexa online no prescription pharmacy ur makeover was knowing what we wanted. Our wish list was small: We wanted to stop water, soil, mulch and, especially, […]
Our front yard makeover, Part 1
Just the planting yet to come in the finished project, from above. Sorry, I’ve been AWOL. One t online pharmacy buy finasteride with best prices today in the USA hing t online pharmacy buy super viagra with best prices today in the USA hat waylaid me has been a major phase of our front yard […]
On my way from before to after
Grand simplification in progress, May 2012 A couple of years ago, I embarked on a garden project I called my Grand Simplification. My goal was to make my gardening life less complicated by rethinking the space. Simple is hard, as any designer will tell you. While the process is nowhere near finished, this is my […]