Independent Garden Centres in Toronto

Cornus kousa ‘Summer Fun’ from Reeves last year   We’ve had a lot of hits to our blog recently buy zocor online no prescription pharmacy looking for the now sadly closed Reeves Nursery, which we wrote about when it opened on the Danforth in our east-end neighborhood last spring. Makes me think that we […]

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So many choices, May 2nd

When our youngest daughter was in 6th grade, she had to write a two-page short story. At page five, she was still writing, so I asked her why. “I can’t help it,” she exclaimed. “Things just keep happening!!” Things just keep happening on the garden calendar, too. Sunday, May 2nd is no exception, and one […]

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Fair Trade in the garden: Ten Thousand Villages

On my way home from having my hair pruned the other day, I buy super cialis online online pharmacy buy cytotec with best prices today in the USA -content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/super-cialis.html no prescription pharmacy popped into Ten Thousand Villages on Danforth and noticed they were all kitted up for garden season. If you’re shopping for garden […]

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Zoned in: Why Toronto is Zone 6 and Zone 5

Among the Top 10 questions Toronto gardeners ask at Humber Nurseries is one about Canadian hardiness zones. In case you didn’t know: Canada is different from the U.S. Here’s why. Both countries map their landscape into zones to denote plant hardiness — where a plant will survive, especially over winter. Yet, Canada and the U.S. […]

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Last day: TBG Plant Sale, May 9th

If you haven’t been to the Toronto Botanical Garden since it was transformed with new gardens and a new name (formerly the Civic Garden Centre), you have one more reason to do so on Saturday. It’s the final day for their spring plant sale. Nice specimens for containers, or garden beds in sun or shade, […]

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Plant Society Show & Sales at Toronto Botanical Gardens

Went yesterday to the African Violet and Gesneriad (jez-NARE-ee-ad) and the Pelargonium and Geranium shows at the Toronto Botanical Gardens. Learned that if you want to purchase an award winning African Violet, Streptocarpus, Sinningia, or Petrocosmea you have to get there early. The show is like an ord buy flexeril online no prescription pharmacy […]

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Toronto Source of White Clover Seeds: Plant World

We recently wrote a lawn post, where we encouraged you to add white clover to any lawn overseeding this spring: Clover adds nitrogen to the soil so it’s an excellent organic amendment to any lawn. I have always bough buy metformin online no prescription pharmacy t my clover seeds at Farm Co-ops out of […]

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Go East, young gardener

In the glorious weath buy prevacid online no prescription pharmacy er on Saturday, I had to make a stop at East End Garden Centre, a gardening institution on Queen Street East for 27 years. Of course, the racks outside the store were laden with pansies, those frost-hardy annuals that are great for planters at […]

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