A shady entrance to the garden of plantswoman Marion Jarvie Marion Jarvie’s seasonal open gardens are a bit of an event among Toronto-area garden aficionados. But, although I’d seen pictures and even taken a class from Marion at the Toronto Botanical Garden, I’d never actually visited until we took the Toronto Fling bloggers there, the […]
Garden Daytrips: Garden Walk Buffalo
For Toronto garden lovers, the biggest open garden tour in North America is only a two-hour drive (and a wee wait at the border) away. In 2010, that means the chance to see more than 350 open gardens in one weekend. And admission is completely free! It’s Garden Walk Buffalo, always held on the […]
Through the Garden Gate: Day One
Today was the first day of the Through the Garden Gate 2010 garden tour in the Beach. Despite having walked 21K in the heat online pharmacy buy kamagra gold with best prices today in the USA this morning, I couldn’t not try to catch some of the gardens with my darling sister Sarah – although, […]
What makes a garden great?
Last Sunday, Sarah and Helen visited Barry Parker’s Open Garden Toronto and were once again blown away by this lovely Parkdale garden gem. Helen: The first thing that impresses me about Barry’s garden is its structure. Structure is one of the things that moves a garden from good to great. And Barry proves that you […]
Open Gardens Toronto 2010 starts this weekend
Toronto’s Open Gardens 2010 program begins this Sunday afternoon in Parkdale with a chance to see the wonderful garden of gifted plantsman and all-round exemplary gardener Barry Parker. Don’t be put off by a little rain. Sarah and I visited Barry’s garden last Oc buy cialis soft tabs o buy xifaxan online pelmeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/xifaxan.html no prescription […]
Open Gardens Toronto – Gardeners Talking to Gardeners
If you are the kind of person who likes to peek into other people’s gardens but you’re always out of town or too busy when the formal garden tours are on, you might like to check out Open Gardens Toronto, which is, as they say, “more of a program than a tour;” a program of “gardeners […]