Sometimes a photographer doesn’t mind a brightly clad garden writer in the shot to add perspective and scale. We were lined up several deep to take this money shot. Patience is a virtue. Huge thanks go to horticultural therapist Margaret Nevett who, years ago at a Master Gardener meeting, suggested that I join the Garden Writers […]
2015 had Toronto’s wettest June since 1870
The city also had a record-breaking February 2015 – the first time since record-keeping began in 1840 that temperatures stayed below zero for the entire month. January, when this shot was taken, Toronto had almost half its usual precipitation. How do I know these bits of weather arcana? Because, today, something great arrived in my […]
The power of wrought-iron and stone
Through the balustrade, stonework and wrought iron create instant history in this Lawrence Park garden. The long architectural heritage of Ashlar stonework and wrought iron can give your yard immediate garden cred. You can do them in a major way, like this garden does so majestically. Or you can be like Mr. TG and I, who “got […]
A contemporary hedge with panache
Now this is a bold way to turn tradition on its ear – or at least turn it 90˚ – when it comes to a hedge that will complement contemporary architecture. Seen at Through the Garden Gate in Lawrence Park, June 2015. I sincerely appreciate all the work that goes into the planning and delivery […]
An artist’s garden in Port Hope
buy antabuse online no prescription pharmacy I’m truly thankful for the ideas that come home from our visits to artists’ gardens. Simple leaf cut-outs and a can or two of window frosting will get you this one. Much more fitting than curtains for balancing privacy and light in a garden shed! July 2015 was […]
Gratitude for garden owners who share
A first glimpse at the most private section of a garden in Niagara-on-the-Lake The generosity of private owners who open their personal spaces to the garden public should never be undervalued. I’ve known this as a garden tour fanatic and as a volunteer. But being one of the organizers for the 2015 Garden Bloggers Fling […]
November: Beginning a month of gratitude
Toronto’s skyline from Tommy Thompson Park It’s November. For the past few years on Toronto Gardens, that’s meant #NaBloPoMo – the blogging twin of National Novel Writing Month. Except we write a blog post a day. Just one. While that’s far l online pharmacy buy stromectol with best prices today in the USA ess than […]
Not all Ipomoeas look alike
The one with the red star and the feathery foliage is Ipomoea quamoclit Oh, botanical names. How you confuse us! These two climbing cousins have a network of colliding names. One (with star-shaped flowers) can be called cypress vine (Ipomoea quamoclit but also Quamoclit pennata). The other one (with multiple tubular florets) can be called […]
A ‘Red Army’ of garden art at Kentuck Knob
Hooray, it’s November 30th! Doing a little dance over my last post for #NaBloPoMo 2014 online pharmacy buy zepbound with best prices today in the USA (National Blog Posting Month), and this amazing garden installation is dancing along with me. It’s called ‘Red Army’ and it’s by British artist Ray Smith, on display in the […]
Your garden needs more frogs
You’re lucky if you have frogs in your garden. They help keep down the bugs. Even metal ones. Frogs and toads, like ferns, usually prefer moist spaces. (You can help by offering them a toad house for shelter from hot, baking sunshine. Make one easily using a broken plant pot, set on its side like […]
A checkerboard and a chair
The patio in the garden of sculptor B buy doxycycline online no presc online pharmacy buy flomax with best prices today in the USA ription pharmacy irgit Piskor was actually used to play checkers when this was her childhood home. I love how she kept it when she returned home and made her buy mounjaro online […]
Zigzag cactus – cool plant even before the flowers
Easy to see why Epiphyllum anguliger is also called the zigzag, ric rac or fishbone cactus I’ve had a crush on this plant in the Allan Gardens cactus house for ages. A big crush. Look at those cool leaves! Well, not leaves, actually – as these are in the cactus family, they’re flat, zigzaggy stems, […]