Why is the Lake Shore median blue?

We have spray-on tans and spray-on hair. Now, spray-on grass seed! That’s what you see when driving along Lake Shore Blvd. E. at Leslie (and perhaps further, I haven’t looked) this fall. That blue stuff (or green or teal) is a mix of grass se buy arim buy stromectol online azpsych.org/general/october/html/stromectol.html no prescription pharmacy idex […]

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I agree: Brown is a colour, too

The Toronto Botanical Garden’s entry garden in January 2013 Today, we’ll put November to bed, and tomorrow we’ll wake up to December – which some feel means the end of colour in the garden. Well, all the leaves may be brown, and the sky is grey… but when we go for that walk on a […]

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Miraculously, my clivia bloomed

What is that – a flower spike? Could it be? It is! My Clivia is blooming! This was a ye online pharmacy buy pregabalin with best prices today in the USA ar for miracles in the garden. Not only did the Hoya buy keflex online www.delineation.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/keflex.html no prescription pharmacy I’d tended for 30 years bloom […]

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David Austin ‘Windermere’ rose

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For when the rain barrel’s empty

This brass Y spigot with the ball-valve shut-offs is very easy to operate My heart broke last week when – as temperatures dropped – I had to empty three full rain barrels. It seemed sinful, somehow. A long section of hose on the spigot, backed up by a watering can, let me spot water the […]

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Milkweedy curbside art in Parkdale

Thankful to be passing by, and spotted this little art online pharmacy buy cialis black with best prices today in the USA piece by the online pharmacy buy amoxil with best prices today in the USA sidewalk in someone’s garden Think of this as an Almost-Wordless* Wednesday-on-Saturday. Love the use of milkweed seed here. Gratitude […]

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Rosetta McClain Gardens is worth knowing

The fountain garden at Rosetta McClain is often our turnaround for an 18K online pharmacy buy avana with best prices today in the USA walk. The pause that refreshes! Toronto is blessed with numerous public spaces, many of which are quite beautiful. You online pharmacy buy oseltamivir with best prices today in the USA can […]

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