Stained concrete, Lane garden, Seattle When a paving geek like me visits a garden, camera in hand, you can be sure that some shots will be about what’s underfoot. So this Friday’s Idea File focuses on the hardscaping under the snow. As you can see, you don’t have to settle for standard unit paver patterns […]
Our front yard makeover: Post mortem
Now that the hardscape portion of our Grand Simplification is complete, let’s step back and evaluate. And, to celebrate the first day of school, I’ve even given grades, using my very arbitrary rubric which is no rubric at all. You judge whether we’re being too easy – or too hard – on ourselves. Circulation: B+ […]
Our front yard makeover, Part 4
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Our front yard makeover, Part 3
This is where I talk about concrete. We were utter novices when we launched into building our set of 7-foot-wide c online pharmacy buy retin a with best prices today in the USA oncrete steps. And when I say “we” here, know that it was the unstoppable Mr. TG doing all the literal and figurative heavy […]
Our front yard makeover, Part 2
Creating a site plan is one of the fi buy flomax online no prescription pharmacy rst steps in the process The first stage in planning o buy celexa online no prescription pharmacy ur makeover was knowing what we wanted. Our wish list was small: We wanted to stop water, soil, mulch and, especially, […]
Our front yard makeover, Part 1
Just the planting yet to come in the finished project, from above. Sorry, I’ve been AWOL. One t online pharmacy buy finasteride with best prices today in the USA hing t online pharmacy buy super viagra with best prices today in the USA hat waylaid me has been a major phase of our front yard […]
Wamboldtopia: Doorways to imagination
Ricki Pierce, aka The Rock Pirate, a mason and a Mason, grins at the entrance to the home, garden and little Utopia on Wambold Street that he and his wife, artist Damaris Pierce, have created in West Asheville, NC. They call it Wamboldtopia. There are many, many doorways in this garden, and doors are symbols of hope, […]
Something there is that loves a dry stone wall
Parklane’s dry stone wall at Canada Blooms 2012 Robert Frost might not forgive my mangling his poem but, judging by the number of them at Canada Blooms 2012, something – or, more aptly, someone – does love a wall. Especially a dry stone wall. Dry stone walls are constructed without mortar to glue the stones together. […]
Throw your garden some curves
We’re in that in-between stage in our Toronto gardens: not quite winter; doesn’t feel like spring. If yours is like mine, the garden’s disheartening brown drabness feels like the morning after a big party. The fun part seems too long ago; all you can see is what needs tidying. But it’s the perfect time of […]