Lessons from English Gardens 1

Sarah and I recently returned from a trip to the U.K., each with a child in tow. Many gardens were on our list of things to see. Unfortunately, while the kids, despite being 14 and 15, were fairly cooperative, our eyes were definitely bigger than our timetable. With great sadness, we had to cross Stourhead and […]

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Ingenuity grows in the garden

Last evening, I was down the street admiring “my” pink poppies. These are the poppies I killed by trying to transplant at the wrong time a few hot summers ago. Luckily, like most of the things in the Microgarden, I had given a few away. So there are some growing in the front garden of […]

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It’s our little secret

We have a decent crop of gardeners on our street, from ingenious T. up at the top, with his backyard pond surrounded in ferns and flowers, all the way down to G. & W. at the corner, making something lovely from a virgin plot. Last weekend at a garage sale, neighbours S. & B. said, […]

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