July 2016 in the Microgarden

Coming home to the garden after a few days away feels like seeing nieces and nephews after a break. Except when you say, “My, how you’ve grown!” plants are a bit harder to embarrass. Want to see what’s growing in a small, shady, city garden – maybe a bit like yours? Certainly, I’d like to recall what worked and what didn’t in the Microgarden […]

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November Blooms Day in Toronto

Blooming now: interesting leaf patterns on the Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ There’s very little blooming in the November Microgarden. But wait! There’s so much, if you look closely. Like the vision of old friends doing new tricks in the image above. Every autumn, the red-purple leaves of the purple smoke tree (Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’) […]

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July 2013 Blooms Day in Toronto

Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’ with Heuchera ‘Caramel’ I chuckle when people say “nothing will grow under Norway maples.” Then I point to a scene like the one above, growing in my doubly Norway maple-shaded, root-infested, deeply sandy garden – the indomitable ‘Annabelle’ hydrangea, fattened on a regular diet of chopped leaves and, recently, duck manure. Yes, things […]

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May Blooms Day in Toronto

Heucherella ‘Sweet Tea’ with Hosta ‘Pineapple Upside-Down Cake’ and the glorious Tulipa ‘Prinses Irene’. May has raced by so quickly, I forgot it was the 15th – the day when, every month, Carol of May Dreams Gardens invites garden bloggers to share what’s growing on. I might just make it under the wire. After a […]

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Blooms Day, April 2013 in Toronto

Having survived late dumps of snow and ice pellets, the spring planters are growing a great crop of Optimism It’s Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – or it was yesterday – when every 15th of every month, Carol of May Dreams Gardens invites gardeners around the world to show what’s growing their way. If you were […]

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November Blooms Day in Toronto 2011

This Blooms Day post will be a quickie. There’s not much still happening in the Microgarden this November. When the flowers are past their prime, how grateful we are for bright-coloured foliage: Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ A nursery Chrysanthemum – almost as spherical as the pumpkin beside it. Don’t be depressed if your mums never look […]

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Blooms Day in Toronto, August 2011

Still life, with rain barrel It isn’t often that we’d direct you from Toronto Gardens to our Facebook page. In fact, we’ve never done it before, and might never again. But for this B buy professional cialis online www.islington- buy lipitor online www.islington-chiropractic.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/lipitor.html no prescription pharmacy chiropractic.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/professional-cialis.html no prescription pharmacy looms Day, when nothing very […]

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Blooms Day: In February, make something from nothing

Not buy zoloft online pelmeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/zoloft.html no prescription pharmacy very promising for Blooms Day, eh? But don’t go away. You might be surprised by how this story ends. Yesterday’s wind did a good job trimming branches from the trees, including these whips from a weeping willow. I wish I’d found more. Because, with their flexibility and […]

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Blooms Day, January 2011 in Toronto

Hip-hip-hip hooray for Hippeastrum (aka Amaryllis) ‘Evergreen’ Other than snow flowers decking the branches, there’s not much blooming outdoors this Garden Bloggers Bloom Day in our frosty neck of the woods. Indoors, the leaves of the over-wintering pelargoniums are hanging in, and the pale greeny-white blooms of Sarah’s new Amaryllis/Hippeastrum ‘Evergreen’ make a fabulous picture […]

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Blooms Day, June 2010 in Toronto

Welcome to the Microgarden this Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. Hope you like my new cushions… and enjoy the jasmine fragrance of the Hall’s honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica ‘Halliana’) by the front porch. I wrote recently about the nice perfume of the black locust tree. Well, Hall’s honeysuckle is yet another of those highly invasive plants with […]

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