In 2020, if a cherry blossom blooms in the city, and there’s no one to see – will it still look pretty? Yes. It will. But you won’t be there this year, will you? Even Sakura Watch is on pause to discourage folks from social the-opposite-of-distancing when the cherries bloom in High Park. So, while you’re home […]
That tree loaded with white flowers is Cornus kousa
The Islands might be flooded, and the record-setting lake levels are eroding the boardwalk. But all that rain in spring 2019 has had one wonderous side effect. The flowers on Korean dogwoods (Cornus kousa) this year are stop-in-your-tracks abundant. I had to pull over to capture this one exploding in white fireworks, just in time for […]
Spring, season of fragrant trees and shrubs
Next time you walk down the street in May and wonder, “What’s that wonderful online pharmacy buy retin a with best prices today in the USA smell?” look up. It might be coming from above, and flowering trees and shrubs. These are just three. One of the underestimated smelly (in the best way) shrubs is the […]
Wow, when clematis met smoke tree!
Here’s a combination to rememb online pharmacy buy wellbutrin with best prices today in the USA er! A burgundy-red Clematis (perhaps ‘Nike’? [Ed: My clematis-loving friend Marie suggests it might be C. ‘Mme. Julia Correvon’) clambering over a Japanes buy cialis super active online no prescription pharmacy e maple and then up through the […]
Robinia ‘Purple Robe’, that tree with pinky-purple flowers
Another of my plant crushes passed overhead as I began Through the Garden Gate on Saturday. This tree with the dangling online pharmacy buy nolvadex with best prices today in the USA bunches of pealike flowers is the kind that, when in bloom, makes you crane your neck back, look up, and say Oooh! It was […]
The rosy (and not-so-rosy) Rose of Sharon
A hedge of Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) near us used to look absolutely show-stopping in late summer – a time when flowering trees and shrubs are rare, and rarely so generous with their flowers. Tired of being stopped by people asking what it was, the homeowners resorted to posting a sign: It’s called Althea!* Althea is another of […]
Tree profile: Hawthorns on Lake Shore Boulevard East
An eye-catching swathe of red haws (hawthorn fruit) on Lake Shore just east of Leslie (taken Dec. 6, 2013) This stretch of hawthorns I often walk past keeps the ruby-red fruits well into winter. Have you noticed them? They’re well placed for show against the dark brown SolarWall on the City garage next to Loblaws. […]
A good kind of cloud
Some kinds of clouds are welcome in blue skies We’re still here; just a bit overwhelmed with this and that. Meanwhile, enjoy this long-awaited spring!
Wordless Wednesday: Catalpa trees
Campanula and Veronicastrum against the golden leaves of Calalpa bignonoiodes ‘Aur online pharmacy buy z online pharmacy buy fluoxetine with best prices today in the USA anaflex with best prices today in the USA ea’, VanDusen Botanical Garden The same garden from beneath the fretwork of the branches A basketload of May/June blooms on […]
Towers of flowers
I’d intended to write on another subject tonight. But, at the moment, my living room is filled to overflowing with the scent from a massive bouquet of lilacs. So guess what buy stendra online no prescription pharmacy is top of mind. Sarah’s little schoolhouse in the country sits in a near-forest of lilacs that […]