The show runs today, Sunday until 6pm, so you still have time to get down there and see all the Green Stuff. I didn’t see everything at the show, because it is so huge. There are many, many booths containing a vast compendium of green living methods and tools, both for personal use — from […]
Top 10 reasons to join your local hort society
It simply makes sense for any gardener (or would-be gardener) to belong to a local garden society. Unfortunately, a schedule conflict interrupted my long and happy relationship with mine. Here are ten reasons why I’m finding a way back – and why you should, too: 1. Inside dirt on what will work in your garden. […]
Open Gardens Toronto – Gardeners Talking to Gardeners
If you are the kind of person who likes to peek into other people’s gardens but you’re always out of town or too busy when the formal garden tours are on, you might like to check out Open Gardens Toronto, which is, as they say, “more of a program than a tour;” a program of “gardeners […]
Toronto Garden Tours
Now is the season for all good gardeners to come to the aid of their nosiness. I love garden tours. What great ideas there are for the stealing! Well, not really stealing — but the cost of the tour i buy tamiflu online no prescription pharmacy s usually very reasonable; often as little at […]
Danforth East Tree Tour
It was quite a crowd last Sunday when arborist Todd Irvine and LEAF organizer Susan Gulley got us together to fall in love with trees. I learned plenty about the East Danforth treescape. And now I’m trying to see how it all fits in with my own garden. My own garden, if you’ve read one […]
Danforth East Tree Tour, Preamble
Yesterday, I want on a fabulous Toronto Tree Tour, sponsored by LEAF, and the Toronto Public Space Committee, this one of the trees of Danforth East. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to talk about all I learned just now. So more on this soon. However, I did want to quickly post a pic of […]
Doors Open Toronto – Gardens
This weekend, May 24 and 25, Doors Open Toronto 2008 gives you free access to a number of spaces in the city. The theme this year is Sacred Spaces, Sacred Circles, so churches and other spiritual edifices are highlighted. All gardeners know that gardens are amongst the most sacred of earth’s spaces. Some of the […]
Guerrilla Gardeners take note
We do a little unofficial guerilla gardening in our neck o’th’woods. But I’m now on Toronto Public Space Committee mailing list, so am apprised of the activities of this official unofficial movement. Here are the details, in case you’re interested in doing a little subversive sowing: Guerilla Gardeners 2008 Spring Event Dates Announced: – 2008 […]