Today is opening day for the Christmas flower show at Allan Gardens – sorry for the late notice, but it is on till 5 pm (click the image for a larger view). Head on down to enjoy the carol singers, hot cider, carriage rides and other festal festivities. And, of course, see the floral displays […]
Mark your calendars: Marion Jarvie’s Open Gardens 2010
Starting last night, me, my battered notebook and a classroom of other garden keeners join Toronto horticulture-guru Marion Jarvie for three sessions at the Toronto Botanical Garden‘s George and Kathy Dembroski Centre for Horticulture. She’ll be talking small, shady, city gardens. That’s how I got the scoop on some dates you’ll want to add to […]
NoBloPoMo – November
Why would anyone commit to writing a blog post a day for the whole month of November, as I’ve just done for NaBloPoMo, the blogging equivalent of NaNoWriMo AKA National Novel Writing Month. A garden blog post. In November? November! When nothing of note is happening in any garden in the northern Northern Hemisphere. A […]
Bluffs Garden Tour: Highlights
On Sunday, the Bluffs Garden Tour organized by the Scarborough Horticultural and Garden Club allowed us to see five very different gardens. Of course, the Bluffs being the bluffs, in a couple of them the star performer, as above, was the view. Seeing how the turf shelfs out along the coast, like something from a […]
Edible Container Garden Show, Aug. 8th
This is the blog equivalent of a re-tweet: The Withrow Park Farmers’ Market and Toronto Balconies Bloom introduce their first collaborative Edible Container Garden Show, on Saturday Aug. 8, 2009, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., rain or shine, at the Withrow Park Farmers’ Market. Participation is open to all urban gardeners, from 3 to 103. […]
Discovery: Cornell Campbell Farm
Edit: The pink peony we found on site is probably Cora Stubbs, an old variety, highly scented. A while back, we wrote about discovering the recently installed Scarborough Community Garden on Kingston Road. The space provided for the garden came from the grounds of the historic Cornell Campbell Farm next door. William Cornell settled here […]
Beach Garden Tour
On a rainy afternoon at the end of June, we and our umbrellas (and cameras) toured twelve lovely gardens in the Upper Beach. This is my first time using a slideshow on the blog. Hope it doesn’t cause any technoglitches. If you have problems seeing the slideshow [ed: or if you want to view the […]
Urban Hikes with Toronto Bruce Trail Club
Thanks to the blog Don Watcher for this tip: Get to know Toronto’s urban green spaces through one or all of this series of inexpensive hikes. They’re like mini-staycations. You’ll discover sides of the city you might not have known about, like Toronto’s Belt Line Trail – a forgotten bit of Toronto history, revived as […]
It’s Garden Tour Season
With apologies to Keats, when it comes to garden tours in Toronto, it’s June that’s the season of mellow fruitfulness. Nearly every weekend in the month has something to choose from. Sadly, we’ve missed the Secret Gardens of Cabbagetown (last Sunday). But others are sprouting up as quickly as weed seedlings, but far more welcome. […]
Open Gardens Toronto – June 2009
Open Gardens Toronto is a fantastic program that lets us take an informal tour of our fellow gardeners’ spaces during the long weekday evenings of summer. (and on Weekends in fall) $25 gets you a pass for a full season, or you can pay $4 for each garden you view. Proceeds go to the Canadian […]
Peep into an Open Garden
On a rainy Thursday this week, I popped over to one of the local open gardens, part of Open Gardens Toronto that Sarah wrote about back in April. These are pretty close to “real gardens by real people” all over the city. Check out the link for a garden near you. The one I visited […]
So much to do, May 2nd and 3rd
No, don’t stay at home waiting for the petals to fall off your magnolia. There are far too many things to do and see this weekend after your weeding. F’rinstance… May 2nd: • The tulip celebration (all weekend, 10 am to 5 pm, and for the following two weekends) in the rock garden of the […]