With 300 varieties and cultivars, the Oshawa Botanical Garden is the home of the Peony Festival If you, like Sarah and I, have a bad case of peonies envy, you’ll want to know that June 11 & 12 is the kickoff for the Oshawa Peony Festival. Peonies, like poppies, tend to come and go in […]
Mark your calendars: Through the Garden Gate 2011
No need to choose between your garden voyeur fix and your favourite dad in 2011. For the first time in I don’t know how long, Through the Garden Gate, Toronto’s biggest garden tour, does not fall on Father’s Day. Every year highlights a different part of Toronto, and Swansea Village is this year’s destination – […]
We need our parks, and Parks People need us
Historic industrial space becomes an innovative park at the Brick Works Despite the grey skies, a sunshine of ideas bloomed at the Toronto Alliance for Better Parks Summit last Saturday – ideas about the importance of parks to people, and importance of people to our city’s parks. Where better to do this than at the Evergreen Brick […]
Heirloom Tomato Tasting Party
What fun to attend a tomato tasting party! Vivian Reiss’s annual tomato tasting is held on her city rooftop garden in August. She grows 57 different kinds of heirlooms and sliced them up for visitors to taste the booty, and I was lucky to attend. Deciding on the best ones isn’t as easy as you’d […]
Through the Garden Gate: Day Two
More garden inspiration from Through the Garden Gate 2010 in “my” neighbourhood, the buy prevacid online mariettaderm.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/prevacid.html no prescription pharmacy Beach. Some of the tiniest gardens were the most intriguing due to the added challenge of space – or lack thereof. The Asian-inspired garden above is one of five or six on this year’s tour […]
Through the Garden Gate: Day One
Today was the first day of the Through the Garden Gate 2010 garden tour in the Beach. Despite having walked 21K in the heat online pharmacy buy kamagra gold with best prices today in the USA this morning, I couldn’t not try to catch some of the gardens with my darling sister Sarah – although, […]
Through the Garden Gate: The Beach
Through the Garden Gate is the major garden tour that’s an annual fundraiser for the Toronto Botanical Garden. Today, I attended a press preview. It was hot, it was bright (the worst kind of day for taking garden pictures), but it was oh, so worth it. I’m not saying this because it’s on my home […]
What makes a garden great?
Last Sunday, Sarah and Helen visited Barry Parker’s Open Garden Toronto and were once again blown away by this lovely Parkdale garden gem. Helen: The first thing that impresses me about Barry’s garden is its structure. Structure is one of the things that moves a garden from good to great. And Barry proves that you […]
So many choices, May 2nd
When our youngest daughter was in 6th grade, she had to write a two-page short story. At page five, she was still writing, so I asked her why. “I can’t help it,” she exclaimed. “Things just keep happening!!” Things just keep happening on the garden calendar, too. Sunday, May 2nd is no exception, and one […]
Open Gardens Toronto 2010 starts this weekend
Toronto’s Open Gardens 2010 program begins this Sunday afternoon in Parkdale with a chance to see the wonderful garden of gifted plantsman and all-round exemplary gardener Barry Parker. Don’t be put off by a little rain. Sarah and I visited Barry’s garden last Oc buy cialis soft tabs o buy xifaxan online pelmeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/xifaxan.html no prescription […]
Find our missing spring at Allan Gardens
Our visit from the Galloping Gardener resulted in her great post on Allan Gardens – and inspired me to drop by myself in search of Toronto’s relucta online pharmacy buy vibramycin with best prices today in the USA nt spring. And there it was, in all i online pharmacy buy zepbound with best prices today […]
Landscape man Matthew Wilson comes to town
A week ago, Sarah and Helen joined a packed crowd at the Toronto Botanical Garden to see English garden guru Matthew Wilson (aka the Heathcliff of the Hedgerows*). His RHS book New Gardening: How to garden in a changing climate was on sale at the event. [Update: At first, I couldn’t find it online in […]