You get an underworld view of daffodil bulbs in Persephone by the Toronto Flower Market and various local growers, including Sarah Nixon of My Luscious Backyard whom we ran into at the show. Happy Earth Day. A perfect time to share earthy thoughts that make us think. These scenes are just a few from the […]
My foraged wreath with My Luscious Backyard
At the My Luscious Backyard, workshop magic began with this foraged wreath kit – a great package of scavenged materials On December 5th, 2015, Mr TG dropped me off at Propellor Coffee in the west end – and lucky for me he did, as I found on my way home with my delicate foraged wreath […]
Thanksgiving in September at Muir Ranch, Pasadena
Tables set amongst the vegetable rows at Muir Ranch School Farm “A day of thanks for the blessing of the harvest” – that’s what Thanksgiving is about. And if we did it earlier in the year (even earlier than we [ahem!] sensible Canadians do), I imagine Thanksgiving dinner might feel something like the farm-to-table dinner […]
Celebrate Canada’s Garden Days (often and early)
The amazing green roof of the Hugh Garner (fingers keep trying to type “Gardener” – whose wouldn’t?) Housing Co-op. You now have official excuse reason to spend the Friday before Father’s Day in the garden. Toronto has proclaimed it Garden Day. Yay! Thank you, Toronto. What’s more, it’ll be part of an annual three-day garden […]
Dry Shade Gardening at Beach Garden Society, April 15, 2014
My own dry shade garden gets featured tomorrow East end gardeners, especially those who online pharmacy buy oseltamivir with best prices today in the USA garden in dry shade, I hope you’ll join me tomorrow evening, Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at the Beach Garden Society, when I’ll be the guest speaker talking all about dry-shade […]
Seedy Saturday at the Evergreen Brickworks
Yes, spring is really starting up, even though with the windchill and the snow makes it hard to believe. Here’s proof, Seedy Saturdays are starting up all over the city, starting with Seedy Saturday and Sunday at the Evergreen Brick Works. Kick-off your gardening season and celebrate spring with a community seed exchange and CSA […]
Treated myself to a tulip (photo) safari
Corner store tulips, taken with Camera+ app – cropped as Golde online pharmacy buy prelone with best prices today in the USA n Rectangle; Miniaturize filter applied. What could be an easier than treating myself to an afternoon walk down the Danforth, looking at corner-store tulips through the eye of m buy wegovy online […]
Preview of Wild Canada Blooms 2014
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Exposure therapy for the poinsettia phobic
The poinsettia’s real name is Euphorbia pulcherrima, meaning “beautiful euphorbia” It seems that the Ecke family introduced poinsettias to the commercial market back in 1900 (Although I rarely point you to Wikipedia on the blog, you can read their story here). Today, the ubiquity of the poinsettia at Christmastime has made people say ecke! in […]
TBG Open House tomorrow
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A little bumbler at the Aster Awards
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Royal Winter Fair 2013 Preview
Guy McClean directs his team using the slightest touch While cattle mooed in the background, the Royal Winter Fair rep at the new President’s Choice Animal Theatre told us about the attractions at the fair this year. And as we listened, Guy McClean, the Horse Whisperer from Australia, warmed up with his four horse “mates.” […]