You might want to categorize th buy rybelsus online no prescription pharmacy is under “pets and diseases.” That first word isn’t a typo. Some disfiguring plant problems have nothing to do with bugs or fungi. Some “pests” are considerably larger. For example, if your lovely Japanese forest grass (Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’) is supposed to […]
What’s missing from this picture?
As I admired the carpet of maple leaves in my yard (Norway maple leaves, she sighed resignedly), wondering if I had time to haul out my shredder, I noticed something. To be exact, I noticed something that wasn’t there. Can you see it? No tar spots. None. Not anywhere. We first wrote about the disfiguring fungal […]
Branching Out With a Staghorn Fern
Staghorn Fern at Allan Gardens, Toronto. You know how certain plants call to you, and others don’t? I’d always been a little wary of Staghorn Fern Platycerium Bifurcatum. There was something a little creepy and non-plantlike about them that left me a little cold, but I never forgot how much they appealed to my father, […]
My bargain Clivia might have a virus
These mottled leaves on my Clivia could be telling me a sad, sad story. Oh, dear. You might know of my constant quest for unkillable houseplants. When I find one purported to be Helenproof, I’m on it like bees (or Battersbys) on honey. How thrilled I was to hear about Clivia, an easy-to-care-for flowering bulb […]
Worth repeating: Black tar spot on maples
We first posted this back in 2009, but 2011’s long, wet spring seems to have been perfect – many of our street trees seem spottier than ever. Here’s a repeat of our original post: Black tar s online pharmacy buy avana with best prices today in the USA pot of maples (Rhytisma acerinum) is one […]
Cedar apple rust on my serviceberry
The dark blue online pharmacy buy isotretinoin with best prices today in the USA normal fruit of the serviceberry, along with one infected with Cedar apple rust It seems to be an OMG summer. Unusual things are happening after all the rain of spring 2011 – including a problem on my usually problem-free s buy […]
Warning: Eastern Filbert Blight
The rather gross-looking cankers of Eastern filbert blight, a fungus that’s not a fun-guy! Run out right now and inspect your corkscrew hazel shrub (Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’) for bumps like these. If you see semi-regular, black cankers along the stems (like I did), your hazel has Eastern filbert blight (Anisogramma anomala). If left to its own […]
Warning: Hosta Virus X
Take a close look at the mottled colour on this hosta leaf, a pattern known as inkbleed. It’s one of the first signs that a hosta has been infected by Hosta Virus X (HVX), for which there is no cure. Photos of other telltale symptoms of this disease – which has become a silent epidemic […]
Tarry black spot on maples
Black tar online pharmacy buy zithromax with best prices today in the USA spot of maples (Rhytisma acerinum) is one of the few excuses I can accept for sending your leaves off in the yard waste truck. Toronto garde buy topamax online no prescription pharmacy ners h online pharmacy buy desyrel with best prices […]
Warning: Black knot on Prunus spp.
Walking by Ted Reeve Arena on Gerrard Street East at Main, I spied what looked like dried black leaves persisting on some of the ornamental trees. Turns out, it wasn’t leaves on the branches, but hundreds of thick, black growths; perhaps some kind of fungus. Google came to my aid back at the ranch, and […]