Idea File: Ten from Canada Blooms 2013

Shawn Gallaugher’s new venture Otium Exercise Gardens creates spaces that look like a garden, but act like a gym. A few of the gardens this year incorporated some aspect of fitness and outdoor living. Today’s Friday Idea File brings you ten things of note from this first day of Canada Blooms 2013. With one wee […]

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Worth repeating: Be water wise

It’s another heat wave. So we thought it worthwhile to repeat these tips for water-wise gardening from May 2009 – still useful, even as we enter July: Okay, the picture exaggerates. But today we’ll get a taste of it, and tomorrow’s forecast is 30˚C and full sunshine. On hot days like tomorrow, it’s smart to […]

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Our urban forest: Life and death of a tree

When my son came across this circa-1928 image in the Toronto archives, I realized how much we take our urban forest for granted. This is a picture of the school across the street, taken from what is no buy advair online no prescription pharmacy w our front lawn. And here is how the same […]

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Doors Open: Toronto Beekeepers’ Co-op at the Don Valley Brickworks

I dropped into the Don Valley Brickworks for Doors Open this week and met with a group of bee-keepers who were there with their bee hive display — It’s an odd feeling to buy neurontin online no prescription pharmacy be standing near several people wearing blinding white bee-keeper outfits! You certainly can’t miss them […]

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Earth Day: Some things on my garden wish list

In no particular order, here are a few of my wisherful things: • A grey-water recycling system to turn water from showers or dishwashing into garden irrigation – like the one used by the Toronto Healthy House in online pharmacy buy ozempic with best prices today in the USA Riverdale. (But it’s likely I’ll have […]

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Toronto and Region Conservation Website

The wintertime is all about dreaming and planning, and a good deal of this is done on the web, since we can’t get to our gardens under all that snow. Tons of snow!! Sections of my neighborhhood look faintly ridiculous at the moment, with trees looking like lollipops stuck into pointy piles of mashed potatoes. […]

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