On ants, aphids and mutualism

[Update: Thrilled to announce that this post won Gold for Best Digital Writing at the 2018 GWA Media Awards from the Association for Garden Communicators. It was an unexpected honour, especially since the competition was online pharmacy buy wellbutrin with best prices today in the USA very worthy.] I’d wanted to tell you a cool thing about ants and aphids. These are […]

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A simple birdfeeder stand

Like the Little Black Dress, you can dress this up or down – a simple design to emulate Always, I’m grateful to neighbours for giving me ideas to steal copy emulate. That metal t online pharmacy buy glycomet with best prices today in the US online pharmacy buy bull 100 with best prices today in […]

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Six cool birdhouses for a cold day

Adorable multicoloured green roof seen at Joy Creek Nursery near Portland Winter 2015 is for the birds – and so are these nifty bi buy tamiflu online www.phamatech.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/tamiflu.html no prescription pharmacy rdhouses. That’s just about all I have to say on this record-setting-cold-streak, Almost-Wordless Wednesday. Except: Enjoy! Give your fine feathered friends the licence to […]

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Evergreen Canada Native Plant Database for Ontario

Native echinacea (Purple coneflower) and monarda (Bee Balm) attract all sorts of butterflies and other pollinators. This is one native plants for Ontario database I don’t want to forget, so I’m posting it here. Evergreen Canada is such a marvellous nature and environmental organization, and we are lucky that we have a headquarters here in Toronto, […]

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Be chicken: Support Crackdown!

Helen Chicken says: Pssst! Wanna support a movie (and a movement)? If you wanted to keep chickens in the city of Toronto, you’d be walking on eggshells (can’t help myself, sorry). It’s illegal. Jan Keck is trying to change that – by making us laugh. The documentary film maker and his Red Gecko Productions hopes […]

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Close encounters of the hummingbird kind

A pre-dawn hummer goes for the nectar at the Indianapolis Museum of Art Long, thoughtful posts, full of depth and perspective, aren’t always possible at the best of times. They’re even harder when you’re trying to post every day for thirty days as a sort of shadow NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month – a poor […]

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House sparrows beware!

I’d never thought much about house sparrows, except to notice that they’re among the most-frequent visitors to my bird feeder (whenever Sarah fills it for me). Then, a few days ago, my neighbour M called me over to show me buy azithromycin online eyecaremarshfield.com/contactsus/html/azithromycin.html no prescription pharmacy his homemade sparrow deterrent, based on the Magic […]

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How do you love a cat that does this to a bird?

A concrete bunny watching over this poor downy woodpecker. This Saturday morning, as I was peacefully reading in bed, my cat’s head popped through the cat flap. I realized with a sick thud that she had something in her mouth. Something big and anim buy prednisone online www.phamatech.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/prednisone.html no prescription pharmacy al sized. I let […]

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A Bit of a Chat with a Squirrel at my Bird Feeder

Me: Oh, it’s you again. Squirrel: Oh, hey, hi! If it isn’t Lady Bountiful! Thanks for putting out this amaaazing spread! I LOVE what you’re doing here! (Nom nom nom-like scarfing noises) Me: Yeah. Really, um, about that. The spread. I actually….hmm, how do I put this….the spread, It’s really meant for…you know…the birds. Like […]

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