We interrupt this winter to bring you… colour

Colour as punctuation: a bold blast marks a point of entry and online pharmacy buy levitra oral jelly with best prices today in the USA a transition between levels Bet you’re as fed-up-to-the-teeth as we are with February 2015’s relentless, white-on-white colour scheme. Let’s think colourful thoughts, shall we? Have a looksee at the inspiring […]

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Glass underfoot in the garden

A close-up of the bottle paving in Portland-area Bella Madrone garden There’s something magical about glass, isn’t there? Even when we can’t see through it or when light can’t penetrate from behind (like a stained g online pharmacy buy vibramycin with best prices today in the USA lass window), it still manages to capture the […]

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A ‘Red Army’ of garden art at Kentuck Knob

Hooray, it’s November 30th! Doing a little dance over my last post for #NaBloPoMo 2014 online pharmacy buy zepbound with best prices today in the USA (National Blog Posting Month), and this amazing garden installation is dancing along with me. It’s called ‘Red Army’ and it’s by British artist Ray Smith, on display in the […]

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Your garden needs more frogs

You’re lucky if you have frogs in your garden. They help keep down the bugs. Even metal ones. Frogs and toads, like ferns, usually prefer moist spaces. (You can help by offering them a toad house for shelter from hot, baking sunshine. Make one easily using a broken plant pot, set on its side like […]

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A rain garden in Hogg’s Hollow

This lush rain garden was on the 2014 Through the Garden Gate tour in Hogg’s Hollow Hogg’s Hollow is set in a (surprise!) hollow – a steep-sided ravine – in some places steeper than others. The lucky homeowners who live in this charming setting aren’t always so lucky during heavy rains. Water scoots down the […]

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Yes, it’s artificial turf, but…

Lovely home, lovely garden, lovely expanse of green “lawn” online pharmacy buy cipro with best prices today in the USA I’v buy female cialis online www.sip.sal online pharmacy buy cialis soft with best prices today in the USA .edu.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/female-cialis.html no prescription pharmacy e seen a few artificial lawns about town. They’re surprisingly lifelike! It takes […]

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Took the ferns from the urns

Ignore the unplanted pots. Notice only the giant ferns. Please. This picture isn’t here for any particular “pride of urnership“, but to illustrate my two wacking great ‘Kimberly Queen’ Australian sword ferns (Nephrolepsis obliterata). Both, you might have read, have spent the last few winters indoors. In the urns. In my living room. It has […]

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Easy garden art: A pair of chairs

Two chairs: Here, they’re sculptural (Bella Madrona garden) What’s a chair but a piece of art you can sit o buy tirzepatide online doctorsquarters.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/tirzepatide.html no prescription pharmacy n? Two-by-two, chairs are the perfect couple – invitations to conversation and affordable, form-meets-function focal points for your garden. Take a seat – buy bactrim online healthdirectionsinc.com/images/png/bactrim.html no […]

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Why I don’t like landscape cloth

Hey garden, your slip is showing! A pet peeve: the use of landscape cloth as a weed barrier. Sure, it’s water-permeable, but it alw online pharmacy buy zofran with best prices today in the USA ays seems to escape at the edges or, because it’s slippery, the mulch used to cover it slides off in […]

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