MIA at Canada Blooms: The Hort Societies

Reported by sharp-eyed reader M., this year’s Canada Blooms had some wide open spaces where the many horticultural society booths used to be.

A scant few remained at the show, though relocated to the Gardeners Fare in the Marketplace. However, most of those little booths formerly here on Level 600, where you used to be able to pick up info on the latest daylily introductions from the Daylily Society, for example, had ceased to be; they were ex-booths.

It’s a real shame. These were the meetingplaces for the true amateurs – in the root sense of the word: lovers – of horticulture. By spreading their passion for gardening like manure, they help fertilize the commercial side of the industry.

We hope this is not a trend. We fear that it is.


  1. Glad you’re reporting on the show – I tend to go every 5 years whether I need to or not. Now that I spend winters in the South, it’s kinda hard to work up the enthusiasm for returning in early March. So appreciate the candid viewpoints.

  2. One of the problems this year was that Canada Blooms and Successful Gardening both took place at the same time, and as a result, many of the hort societies were up at the International Centre. Master Gardeners and the Ontario Horticultural Association were both at Blooms and, although there were a few quiet times, had a steady stream of visitors.

  3. Successful Gardening in a somewhat more restrained show. There are none of the high-end examples of landscaping, and a smaller flower show. And since it’s joined with a home show, many of the people who are there aren’t gardeners.

    Have you been to the Peterborough Garden Show? We went for the first time this year (it was on Easter weekend). What a wonderful show! More vendors than either Canada Blooms or Successful Gardening, and almost all of them gardening related. It took considerable restraint not to come back with a perennial-laden car. Great speakers, and what’s best, vendors who actually knew something about horticulture. And the admission was only $5!

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