Look at these yellow wild indigo (Baptisia tinctoria). When Sarah and I saw them at dusk a week ago at the Toronto Botanical Garden, they were glowing like candles in the dimming light. Immediate crush! But I fall in love easily, it seems.
It has been an unusual spring, co
ol and wet. We’ve had late blooming for some plants, and prolonged blooming for o
thers. Why not celebrate it? So for each of the 10 days of the Canada-wide event called Garden Days, today being the first, I’m going to celebrate a single June flower. No long discourse, just pictures.
Our poster girl today is the only yellow. Below, behold its blue cousin Baptisia australis, making pretty with poppies, peonies, and bluestar (Amsonia). Oh, oh, oh!
I think that Baptisia is such a pretty plant, both for the flowers and leaves. I first noticed it at the Minneapolis fling where it was seemingly everywhere and I’m wondering why it’s not seen more often around here.
I have lots of Baptisia both blue and white, this year is it huge and prolific!
the Port Hope garden tour is this weekend, come and visit.
nice to have your blog back on my screen.