As if it knew, ‘Moonlight’ amaryllis bloomed

A while back, I bought a bare amaryllis (Hippeastru

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m) bulb from the Toronto Botanical Garden shop. Did I pla

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nt it right away? No. Silly me. I procrastinated and I procrastinated.

So, while all my gardening friends

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were posting images of their gorgeous amaryllis(eseses) on Facebook, mine sat sideways on (not in) the pot it was supposed to be planted in.

On my kitchen counter.

For months.

Eventually, it thrust out a flower bud. That was the poke I needed to hurry and get it the heck into some soil.

Soon, not one, but two scapes or flower stems extended into the light.

By Oscar night, when Moonlight won Best Picture, my amaryllis ‘Moonlight’ had come into glorious bloom. Four flowers had opened on one scape and, on the second, six buds were ready to burst. Quite a bouquet for the winners.

Can plants predict the future? You tell me.

One thing I can tell you: an amaryllis bulb is extremely forgiving and rewardingly easy to grow.


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um ‘Moonlight’ – as pretty as moonbeams splashed with green


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