Colchicum-a-kama-sutra with me

SEO language be damned. I can never resist turning a blog title into a bad pun or a song by the Bonzo Dog Band.

In this case, both.

The other day, a friend posted on Facebook with a picture of what she thought was a crocus, all mixed up in its seasons. Ever since, Colchicum-a-kama-sutra has been playing on my mind loop.

It isn’t a crocus, but it is related to one. And it’s blooming right when it’s supposed

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to, in the fall: the pinkish-mauve, double form of Colchicum autumnale called ‘Water Lily’.

Here’s another look at the one above, photographed in mid-October at the Toronto Botanical Garden. You can see the yellow hints of the modified plant parts that help double-up the petal count.

It’s easy to fall in love with these things of beauty. They bloom like a promise of spring, just before everything begins to shut down for the winter. One Colchicum fanatic I know is Kathy Purdy of Cold Climate Gardening. For great pictures and more info on a range of cultivars, I suggest you zip over to Kathy’s Colchicum section.

But be like Kathy, not like me. Yet again, I remind myself too late that I should have ordered some for myself.

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