Snowdrop alert 2016. Wow, they’re early.

Hello, little snowdrop!

This is our earliest-ever official Toronto Gardens snowdrop sighting – I noticed my usual earlybird snowdrop was up yesterday, February 3, 2016, but it had likely awoken a few days before. Our neighbours S an

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le patch blooming in their front yard, too.

Prior to this, the earliest we’ve posted on snowdrops has been the end of February 2013 (although, I have seen this baby up once in January, before we star

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ted our snowdrop alerts).

That’s what you get with a non-winter. The hellebores are popping their heads above the leaf litter, too. How are the snowdrops (or other spring harbingers) doing where you are?

However they are, and wherever we are, one thing I know for sure: We must plant more! Agreed?


  1. It's the earliest year for snowdrops for me too Helen. Mine started flowering at the beginning of December 😮

    Next week I'm touring some of our special snowdrop gardens – a brilliant way to cheer up my least favourite month of the year.

    I'm also very excited – I spotted a double snowdrop amongst a clump of singles a couple of days ago. It can only mean one thing – I have a new hybrid in the garden 🙂

  2. A gardening acquaintance from Maine posted a photo of a snowdrop blooming in her garden today. The temperatures, the dwindling snowpack, and the mud here all seem to be saying "late March" rather than "late February." -Jean

  3. I haven't seen any snowdrops yet, but with the temperatures to soar in the next day or two I may finally see a few. I just hope the temperatures don't swing back and we get more winter weather in April like we did a couple of years back.

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