Oh, cutleaf Japanese maple, you are so red

Cutleaf Japanese maple (Acer palmatum var. dissectum)

Even at dusk. Even with a shaky phone camera. Even in November. The multilayered fall colour on this cutleaf Japanese maple is just otherworldly, like a picture by the Hubble space telescope.

I wonder if it might be Acer palmatum ‘Seiryu’ which, according to the Missouri Botanical Garden, is one of the few cutleaf cultivars with an upright, rather than cascading, habit. Anyone know?

What do you think? Is it the delicacy of the leaves that makes it glow so?


  1. Amazing specimen! Looks like "Seiryu" as I have one in my backyard that's undergoing such a transformation, but nowhere are spectacular as your pic. And thank the homeowner for planting this beauty, instead of a few Emerald cedars and euonymus…

  2. Can't identify the cultivar but the colour is stunning. Is the thinness at the top of the tree, shown in the first photo, something to worry about? It would be a shame if this tree lost its magic.

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