Gardeners: Wondering what to do with the snow?

Finally, Boxing Day 2012 had a late delivery of snow.


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gardeners got a late gift yesterday – a nice, deep blanket of snow! Whenever you’re shovelling it off your walks, don’t push it into the street. Pile it onto your garden!

As long as it doesn’t contain salts, that snow contains just what your garden needs right now – winter insulation and moisture.

The thick layer that the city’s outlying regions often enjoy – the one that Toronto often lacks during the dead of winter – helps gardeners in cooler areas cheat zone limits. That’s because plants cuddling up under a snow duvet stand a better chance of surviving super-cold dips in the weather – especially when it comes with chilling and drying winds.

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cut the boughs off your Christmas tree and lay them on the ground to capture the blowing snow and hold it in place.

So embrace your inner snowman. Are you ready to cultivate a snow garden this winter?


    1. I know that you get more than your share, Melanie. We've had a kooky lead-up to winter in Toronto this year. Looking forward to some decent snow cover in 2013.

  1. Hi Helen,

    I almost forgot what a decent snowfall looks like in Toronto! Just hope it lasts until March to give our perennials extra protection. Happy New Year!

    1. Oh, yes, Paul. And none of that sudden summer in March, too. We want the bulbs we planted to have a long, happy spring. Happy New Year to you, too.

    1. In the second week of January, we're already into a spell of mild weather. Hopefully the double thickness of snow I've piled onto my garden beds will withstand the January thaw a little longer.

    1. Snow melt in the city can be yucky on the streets, especially ones that are salted or sanded. They get all crusty and grey. But I'll take it on the garden. A snowman or two is welcome also.

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