Signs of Spring 2011: There be snowdrops!

The evidence is in: there’s Spring in them thar hills! Or, at least, there are snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) blooming in the east end of Toronto.

These fellas aren’t the 60 or so I planted last fall. They’re part of the happily multiplying family that has been hardily pushing through snow and leaves for years. One year, as early as January. Most years, though, at around about this time. Next year, I hope with many more newly planted cousins beside them.

Just in time for Canada Blooms. I’ll be at the show as an early-morning tour guide on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Will you be going to Canada Blooms this year?


  1. I did see one poking its bud out from under the snow yesterday. Too bad I forgot to look today. It may have been blooming!

  2. I found a hellebore in full bloom today! The snowdrops have only been blooming for a couple of days (before that they were BURIED). Spring IS coming. The hellebores may be later than usual, but they seem to have really enjoyed their heavy winter blanket.

  3. I just had one bloom yesterday. It is the first time that I have had them in my garden. Mine is small…but beautiful. I hope to have cousins, too.

  4. Lovely to see that in Toronto there are signs of spring. Sweet snowdrops! How they cheer us all! I guess you will be surrounded by blooms at the show. Have fun!

  5. It's incredible to see such glory at this time of year! We are still buried beneath significant snow drifts with no signs of spring. *Sigh* Soon, though, I hope. I wish I were attending Canada Blooms. Have fun!! I look forward to your photos here!

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