Have a fruit tree that needs harvesting?

Not Far From the Tree (NFFTT) is expanding in the east end of Toronto. If you know someone with a fruit (or nut) tree but with no time or energy to harvest it, you can spread the wealth through this network of volunteers

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, plus avoid that litter of fermenting, fallen fruit.

NFFTT operates in w

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est-end neighbourhoods, too. So far in 2010, they’ve picked over 700 pounds of residential fruit across Toronto. In 2009, they almost tripled the amount picked in 2008, and expanded into nut-gathering and even began tapping maple trees for syrup.

Here’s info from the local coordinator Chris Sharp about a new Riverdale hub looking to develop a fruitful partnership with tree owners.

Not Far From The Tree is a

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non-profit organization that finds people with fruit trees in their yards and coordinates volunteers to pick them. The fruit is divided between the tree owner, the volunteer pickers, and a local agency such as a food bank or shelter.

We have an active Beaches/East York hub and have just started a Riverdale hub, of which I am the coordinator. I am currently engaged in efforts to find and contact fruit tree owners in the Riverdale area. It would be great if you could give us a mention.

For more information you can see our website www.notfarfromthetree.org or contact Chris directly by email (chris [at] notfarfromthetree [dot] org) or at 416-466-8056.

Sure thing, Chris. I wish we had a couple of fruit or nut trees to share, too. My guess is that NFFTT would also be interested in hearing from potential volunteers. It’s yard-sharing meets urban farming.


  1. What a great group! There are a few similar ones in BC, mostly on the island. I'd love to have one locally. There are many fruit tree's around here that are regularly ignored. Some on city property :0

  2. What a great idea to harvest fruit that would otherwise be neglected. I live in the west end (Brampton). I have black walnuts that I know are edible, but I have no idea how to harvest them efficiently. (the nut casing is very hard). Is there a group out his way?

  3. Fabulous idea. I've often thought about planting fruit trees but get nervous about all the work it takes to produce good fruit. How nice to avoid letting the food go to waste.

  4. What a wonderful idea. You have such a lovely city and, when I visit, I always admire how many lovely green spaces there are!

    Happy Gardening.

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