Other than a little huddle of snowdrops bowing under a March rain, there isn’t much Awakening yet in my garden. So to find a subject for a March entry for the Gardening Gone Wild Picture This Contest, I raided the archives.
This little Pulsatilla vulgaris or Pasque flower – photographed in my sister’s garden at the end of April last year – seems to be opening one bleary but hopeful eye as it rises from its bed of leaves. It says Awakening t
o me.
This spring bloomer used to be called Anemone pulsatilla, and you can still occasionally find it sold under that name. Like anemones, it’s a member of the Ranunculus or buttercup family.
Pulsatillas always seem to invite a closer look. I love the fuzziness of the leaves and petals (really, they’re sepals), which also give it the look of a nestling bird. The gold stamens hold the promise of sunshine. After blooming, the flowers are replaced with fluffy seed heads similar to Clematis, which are also buttercup cu
zzes. They’re a lovely addition to the spring garden… awakening soon, I hope.
Beautiful and a great choice for the contest theme!
Beautifully captured and suits the theme well. A second sooner or later, the picture will be different and I assume it will be less capturing… ~bangchik
Lovely portrait of your Pulsatilla vulgaris, Helen … they are so soft and fuzzy… medicinally good for us gals it is said… your photo makes me miss the plant I use to grow! It is so delicate for my garden of thugs… but maybe I will try again and protect it! Spring will come to us and our gardens will awake soon … when they are ready. Have a great Sunday! ;>) Carol
Allan recommended I take a look and I am enjoying your blog especially seeing those two little girls with the lettuces! I'll be back.
Pulsatilla vulgaris is one of my favourite spring flowers. Yours is beautiful!
Beautiful Pulsatilla vulgaris but its not beautiful only in Spring, its beautiful ever
I can't wait to see that flower in the flesh. John has some lovely specimens in his rock garden.
What a spring favourite! I too love this fuzzy little gem. Super photo!
It does look like a fuzzy eye! Beautiful photo!
Such a lovely flower and a perfect photo for the contest. Good luck! Pulsatilla is a favorite flower that for what ever reason is not in my garden. But I can enjoy it in yours~gail
Purple flowers and orange flowers together always make me happy. Can't remember coming across another in which the two combine (clash) so cheerfully within the one plant.
Now I've seen it and I'll have to go look for one or two for myself. It really is a beautiful flower. And thank you for introducing me to Gardening Gone Wild too. I'll check that out…oh so much to see and do. Just read the last post and I really need to go out and burn some calories weeding.
Lovely! The lighting really brings out the fuzzy leaves. Hope you'll actually see them in your garden soon.
Helen, a few days ago when I was clicking through all the photo entries on the GGW website, I came across yours and said to myself "now that's a great photo". I'm not familiar with that flower. I'm guessing that's because it probably melts in our heat down here. But it is quite beautiful. Good luck on the contest!