er show at Allan Gardens – sorry for the late notice, but it is on till 5 pm (click the image for a larger view). Head on down to enjoy the carol singers, hot cider, carriage rides and other festal festivities. And, of course, see the floral displays at their freshly installed, pristine best.
Centennial Park Conservatories opens their show next Sunday. And both conservatories have three magical evenings of candle-light viewing, 5 to 7 pm, on three Sundays starting December 13th.
Cold climate escape, right in our m
idst. And it’s free! Bring the kiddos. I can hear that paddle wheel a-flappin’ now.
I bet you capture a few delightful photos to share with us! Our own Cheekwood will have the Trees of Christmas to help ring in the spirit. gail
Cool, I didn't know about Allan Gardens or Centennial Park Conservatories. Good to keep in mind for the next time I visit Toronto (a trip is waaay overdue!).