Toronto Gardens isn’t the only blog about gardening in Toronto. Or about Toronto gardens. Here are a few
we follow – and we’d love to hear about others that are missing.
We can’t begin such a post without mentioning Gayla Trail, who has set and raised the bar in garden blogging since 2000. We love her blog name, also the eponymous title of her first book, and were thrilled to finally meet Gayla this year (Gayla at left with Sarah, above). Her blog includes an online community with an audience far beyond the GTA. Gayla takes a great photo, evident in her Daily Botanical feature. Her engaging and distinctive voice has also come to life in seasonal Globe & Mail columns this year. Long may she continue. [And an extra thankyou to Gayla for introducing us to Barry Parker, plantsman extraordinaire, who blogs here.]
Toronto Gardening All Year Round
Along with writing about her gardening experiences, local blogger Rosemary has been creating a compendium of all plants native to the Toronto region. This growing alphabetical reference list can be seen here, by Latin name, or here, by common name. Rosemary’s list includes the good guys along with the bad guys (such as ragweed), and she is working on building in more pictures and commentary. Check it out.
Native Plant Girl
Another encyclopedic reference for the city and Southern Ontario, Native Plant Girl is outspoken and informed about native plants and their stewardship. Her site is worth a visit if for its link list alone. Yesterday, she posted on an event today at the Green Barn between 4-8 pm to honour and support Dagmar Baur, to whom gardeners in the city should be grateful. I encourage you to click the link for de
Not Far From The Tree
Perhaps you have a mulberry or crab-apple tree in your yard that litters the sidewalk and lawn each year? Or a black walnut that conks you on the head as you try to garden? Then you should know about this organization that helps harvest and share the produce from the city’s residential trees, so not a kernel goes to waste. In 2009, NFFTT gathered over 8,000 pounds of fruits and nuts, nearly three times their 2008 harvest. The blog is a fun read. Today, for example, they explain the difference between apple juice and cider, along with instructions for making your own.
Garden Toronto
Mark Disero launched his Garden Toronto site this year, with the vision to create a go-to site for links to everything from open gardens to contractors in the GTA. You can also loop in to all things gardening in Canada through Mark’s and sites.
These are but a few. Many of the organizations we link to in our right column also blog on issues and events of interest to Toronto gardeners. Have a look. And please chime in with others you think we should know about.
We should think of an event ,maybe next Spring, when Toronto Garden Bloggers could meet face to face.
Barry, that is a wonderful idea!
Absolutely — perhaps we could all meet up at a garden we've wanted to see. Suggestions?
Thanks for the link, Helen!
Thanks for these introductions. Coming from here in Buffalo, I think of you Torontonians (Torontoes? Torontorians? Torontanese?) as neighbors.
Rosemary, you're quite welcome!
Jim, you had it right the first time. Though sometimes our Torontoes do get cold. And, as many of us here in T.O. grew up on a diet of Irv Weinstein announcing fires in North Tonawanda, we feel the same about you Buffalonians (Buffalees? Buffaloers?).
I moved here back in the Irv days – "Trouble in the Tonawandas, news at eleven!"
And sometimes we're just considered Baffoons.
"sometimes we're just considered Baffoons"
Never by us, Jim!
thanks for the link ladies, especially coming from you 🙂