Mark your calendars: Marion Jarvie’s Open Gardens 2010

Starting last night, me, my battered notebook and a classroom of other garden keeners join Toronto horticulture-guru Marion Jarvie for three sessions at the Toronto Botanical Garden‘s George and Kathy Dembroski Centre for Horticulture. She’ll be talking small, shady, city gardens.

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That’s how I got the scoop on some dates you’ll want to add to your garden calendar for next year. Marion Jarvie’s Open Garden isn’t just a chance to see a beautiful garden once each season; a garden filled with rare plants selected by an admitted plant addict and avid collector. Even better, many are for sale – you might even convince her to dig up a division of something on your suddenly-got-longer Lust List. You will want to, I guarantee it. The double trillium (Trillium grandiflorum flore plenum) was among many that caught my eye.

Here’s the goods for 2010 – times are always 10 am to 4 pm. Get

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there early:

April 24-25
May 29-30
July 24-25
September 18-19
Address: 37 Thornheights Road, Thornhill L3T 3L9
(east of Yonge St., north of Kirk Drive)


  1. What, Nancy, a thousand or so kilometres is enough to put you off!

    It isn't that far from our house… drop by anytime.

  2. Deborah — I signed up on the day I received the e-newsletter announcing it, and the course was already half full. Clearly, a whole bunch of us have small, shady city gardens!

  3. She was a customer when I worked for Lost Horizons…. brilliant gardener. I have get to see her gardens but with these dates, I think it might just be possible next year! Thanks for the heads up Helen!

  4. Marion will be the speaker at the next Parkdale/ Toronto meeting on November 30

    'New Discoveries- Trees, Shrubs and Plants'.7.00 p.m. at the Bonar-Parkdale Presbyterian Church Hall, 259 Dunn Ave.

    She was also at the TBG today, by the way.

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