The father of my three children isn’t a gardener. Or rather, he’s more a veggie guy than a flower guy – or would be, if we still had our allotment (a long, doleful tale; don’t get me started). However, he’s a really great guy to have about the garden.
This is the fella who built our deck, site of many happy times. Then, before we added on the Queen Elizabeth Wing for (surprise!) Child Number 3, he’s the one who took the deck a
part again.
He also built the cedar shed our carpenter bees love, laying the roof shingle by artistically arranged cedar shingle. When our kids clamoured for a tree house, he’s the guy who engineered and constructed the shed’s second story, home to many seasons of neighbourhood games.
When the kids vacated the playhouse and the raccoons moved in, claiming the shed roof for their local latrine, he applied his considerable ingenuity to foiling them. Or trying to foil them.
Later, when it was clear that the raccoons were winning, he’s the guy with the reciprocating saw who dismantled the playhouse, donned haz-mat attire to de-poopify the roof, disposed of the toxic waste, and replaced it all with “wipe clean with a damp sponge” galvanized roofing.
When it comes to heavy lifting, Mr. Willingandable is there to move shrubs or chop roots. If not with musclepower, then with horsepower. He once removed a mock orange
for me by tying it to the bumper of our car. Hey, it worked a treat!
What’s more, he’s the guy with patience. For gardening detours and travails (and perhaps the occasional expenditure).
He also plays a pretty mean guitar.
So this is to my honey: not only a good guy to have in the garden, but the only guy I can imagine in my life.
Thanks for the kids, by the way. That was fun. Happy Father’s Day.
Sounds like he's a keeper, but geeze, don't you have a better picture????????
A rare photograph of a rare species indeed…. A guy, fully covered right up to the nose, colourful gloves, right hand holding crowbar, left hand holding a miniature branch with tiny leaves….. Such a man….
Cheers, Regards to him, the rare species of a guy. Happy Fathers Day.
~ bangchik
I love the picture! He is in his element 🙂
What a lovely tribute to your hubby. Love the picture!
Very sweet post! I hope you and he and your brood had a nicer father's day. We bought a cheesecake for the special guy in our home and the kiddos sang songs about daddy with the children's sunday school at church (their singing is my favorite part of mother's day, too). And the picture is hilarious 🙂
Helen girl ! .. Your guy is a keeper for sure ! My guy after more than 32 years of marriage almost knows what I need done before I do .. he always helps without pausing to think about it ? LOL
Raccoons … we had our adventure last year and it was too comical at times to believe .. so I understand about THAT ! LOL
Is he a space traveller?
A very fun and sweet tribute to the father of the kids (good thing you added that part in:) Hope your weekend was great.
What a wonderful ode to Mr. Willingandable. Thanks.