We’re in that in-between stage in our Toronto gardens: not quite winter; doesn’t feel like spring.
If yours is like mine, the garden’s disheartening brown drabness feels like the morning after a big party. The fun part seems too long ago; all you can see is what needs tidying. But it’s the perfect time of year to review your garden’s bone structure. If it has shape and form in these trying times, you’ll be okay.
And, if not, fixing it doesn’t have to mean $100,000 in hardscaping (the rocks and stones part of landscaping). F’rinstance:
Most Toronto gardens are small gardens – typically, with a narrow front walk that leads straight from sidewalk to front door. Now, take a look at this modest Toronto home, seen on a rainy walk last month.
Notice how, by creating a wider walkway in a sweeping curve, they make their front approach more dramatic and their small front yard seem, well, larger.
Curved lines in a garden draw the eye along. By squeezing a longer “line” into a compressed area, curves instantly create the impression of space.
You don’t have to invest in stonework. As you can see from our covergirl shot above, you can create a similar effect
by changing the margins of a flower bed set in a lawn. Rather than a straight, regimented border, l
et the edges undulate. Create little promontories and bays, to add a sense of surprise as well as trick the eye with a longer line.
Incidentally, you’ll create more room for all those tempting spring buys at the garden centre. Well, I’m just saying.