A feast of snow

Will it never end, Doctor? This compulsive diet of snow and ice and icy snow. And ice. I must confess, I’ve had my fill of it.

Come on, winter, smarten up! There are snowdrops under there! Somewhere. I think. There should be snowdrops. There must be snowdrops. The snowdrops that usually tell me and the world, as early as January, that spring is on its way.

But, no. Rather than snowdrops, snow drops. Everywhere. Again and OMG not again. With freezing temps that make sure it stays put.

At least we’re not in Québec City where ma belle-mère tells me they believe their record snow may disappear… by July. She’s joking. I think.


  1. That is a funny pic, and one to remember to look at on one of those sweltering July days we are sure to have this summer.

    Snow drops. Heh.

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